Four Easy Ways For Aura Cleansing

We never forget to clean our outer body- be it taking a bath, brushing our teeth, applying fragrance, etc. But we never think how aura cleansing is important too. Aura is generally neglected because it is subtle in nature. But just like dirt and grime stick to your physical body, negativity and depressing energies can stick to your aura.

If aura cleansing isn’t done regularly and properly it may lead to issues like depression and mood swings. So, here are four very simple ways to get rid of negative energies from your aura.

  1.  Use Crystals

There are certain crystals and precious stones that do the job. You can just put these crystals uniformly in and around your house, especially near the doors and windows. Doing this will filter out the energies from coming inside your house, thus cleansing the aura.

  1.  Burn Sage

Even after you place crystals, some negative energy is bound to get in. Sometimes people who enter our house bring these negativities with them. In this case, aura cleansing can be done by smudging the place with sage.

Burn some sage and let its smoke enter every nook and corner of your house since these are the places where negativity often hides. Don’t forget to keep a window open so that these energies can go out of the house.

  1.  Take Bath In Water Containing Sea Salt

You must have heard somewhere that salt is a very effective remedy to get rid of bad energies. When you soak your body in sea salt water, the negative vibes let go of you. Just add some sea salt in warm water and sit in it, relax. In addition to aura cleansing, it also works as a boon for your skin!

  1.  Nature’s Lap Is The Best Remedy

If nothing seems to be working for you, go to mother nature’s lap. Nature acts as the best and ultimate cleanser. If you can, take a walk through a forest and see its miracle. Trees are one of the best aura cleansers!

These are some effective and easy ways to ensure that your aura is clean. Remember, aura cleansing is just as important as physical hygiene. It ensures good physical and mental health. Try out these techniques and see which ones work best for you!

We never forget to clean our outer body- be it taking a bath, brushing our teeth, applying fragrance, etc. But we never think how aura cleansing is important too. Aura is generally neglected because it is subtle in nature. But just like dirt and grime stick to your physical body, negativity and depressing energies can…

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