Category: Blog

Let's Get Disney-Crazy By Taking These Virtual Tours Across Disneyland With These Wonderful YouTube Videos

Disneyland is closed for now. Yes, it’s a really hard pill to swallow. But no need to be terribly depressed about the temporary closing of Disneyland. While you may not get a chance to be there in person, you can always go for a virtual tour. The best thing about Disney fans is that they record everything and share it online so that others can live the experience. You can easily head over to YouTube and go for a long virtual tour down Disneyland while sitting in your home. Plus, if you are lucky, you can get to see certain …

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What's Stopping You From Your Healthy Routine Is You

A healthy routine has most likely been everyone’s resolution at some point in their lives. And yet growing health issues such as obesity would prove that most of the people have likely not been able to keep their fitness resolutions.

And if you do not know yet what is the thing that fails you every time, perhaps this article would help you stay on track the next time you go for it.


It is a human tendency to fall back on habits and resist change. Hence it is important to keep giving yourself incentives to work towards making yourself …

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A Kind Riverside Bus Driver Helped Unite A Loved One With Dementia With His Family

If you are from a family who lives with a loved one with dementia, you would probably know how difficult it can turn out to be. You are always on your toes, hoping that your loved one with dementia does not just forget the route to the house or run away out of some whim. These patients should be taken extra care of and ideally, someone should always keep a watch on them. However, for any family member, it can be quite a difficult thing to keep a loved one with dementia in sight all the time. It is during …

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7 Steps to Meditation for Beginners from the Dalai Lama

Stages of Meditation by Dalai Lama XIV

I’m currently reading “How to See Yourself as You Really Are”, a book written by the Dalai Lama. It’s a somewhat short read, and might require you to read it twice to extract a proper understanding of the principles taught within it.

However, it’s packed with powerful lessons and techniques, based on seeing objects, people, and circumstances as they truly are, not just as they first appear. As well as advice, on focus, concentration, and meditation.

Which brings me to this article!

7 Steps to Meditation for Beginners

There’s a section within the book where the Dalai Lama shares …

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How to Gain True Fulfilment By Dropping Your Worst Friends

Dropping friends from your life in order for you to gain true fulfilment, happiness and a higher purpose. Friends can come into our lives in many ways. Maybe we like their company because they make us laugh, they are supportive, or they are simply fun to hang around with.

However, what if we choose friends for all the wrong reasons? What happens then?

We become side-tracked from our true purpose. We lose sight of our goals, our dreams and our aspirations. We spend more time with people who aren’t helping us level up.

Sure, it may be fun. You may …

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Takeaway Coffee Cups Are Turning Greener To Save The Planet

Who doesn’t like a hot or cold drink on the go! Our poison might differ, but we all do. But what about the takeaway coffee cups, holding that quick fix of tea or caffeine, after we are done? We are recharged, but what about mother nature?

Though we see it basically as a paper cup, it may not be as bio-degradable in reality.

Yes, the base material used for the takeaway coffee cups are biodegradable but, no, the cups are not so. All these cups, whether made from paper or fiber or any other environmental-friendly material, are layered with a …

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Woman Texts Dad’s Mobile For Fourth Anniversary Of Death, Gets Heartbreaking Reply

Every day since her dad passed away, Chastity Patterson, from Arkansas, sent him a text message. On the fourth anniversary, she shared a screenshot of the touching text to her dad on social media.

Instead of the typical silence in response to her message, a man who has her dad’s old number responded to Chastity, an event she saw as a ‘sign that everything is okay and I can let him rest’.

Chastity wrote:

It’s been 4 years since I lost you and not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. A lot has happened in that small

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Woman Makes Coats-cum-Sleeping Bags By Hiring Homeless People

Homeless people to get stab-proof coats that turn into sleeping bags amid  growing violence | The Independent | The Independent

Homeless unaccounted people are an issue every county and every government has to deal with. Most of them are healthy adults who could contribute greatly to the economy if they were made a part of it. But the sheer number of people, which exceeds hundreds of thousands in countries like America, makes it a daunting task according to National Alliance to End Homelessness in America.

Six years ago, Veronica Scott, an industrial design student of College for Creative Studies, Detroit was inspired by the idea of taking up a project that “filled the need” of their city. She worked to …

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20 Quotes By Women To Inspire You

Throughout history, a woman’s struggle has been quite hard. Despite some gains, even in the modern century, women are still not at par with men. In such a patriarchal society, time and again inspiring women have risen up and claimed their space. They have worked long and hard to improve the condition of women throughout the globe.

These women are more than their roles. They are leaders, motivators, and relentless warriors. They did not give up in face of obstacles and they will do their best to inspire you not to as well.

Here are 20 quotes from such inspiring …

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Amazing moment child is born while still inside Amniotic Sac

Obstetrician Dr Aris Tsigris has recorded the moment he delivered a baby inside an intact amniotic sac. He published the photo of the newborn on his Facebook page after delivering the baby via caesarean section in Amarousion, north of Athens.

The amniotic sac is a bag of fluid inside the womb where the unborn baby develops and grows. The sac is filled with clear, pale fluid, in which the unborn baby floats and moves.
The sac had not been punctured, so the baby did not even realize it had been born. The baby behaved as if it was still inside …

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