11 Common Aquarius Personality Traits that Bring Positive Vibes

Aquarius Astrological Sign: Personality Traits, Compatibility,  Characteristics, Celebrities

People with the Aquarius star sign are born between January 20 to February 18, is a popular sign in the Zodiac.

Each zodiac sign has a different set of traits and qualities attached to it. Many of those traits may be seen as negative, but many are also incredibly positive.

10 Common Aquarius Personality Traits

We’ve put together a list of 10 common Aquarius personality traits the are positive in nature, and will make you want to seek out an Aquarius right away.

Are you an Aquarius? How many of these traits do you possess?


  1.  Affectionate

People with an Aquarius personality trait are very affectionate. In general, affectionate people have higher levels of self-esteem. They are more likely to be in relationships, and less likely to fear intimacy.

As another general rule, people who benefit from the affectionate Aquarius trait have lower blood pressure levels, and recover from stressful situations much more quickly.


  1.  Imaginative

Another positive and brilliant trait of people with the Aquarius zodiac sign, is they’re very imaginative. Imaginative and creative people tend to learn from their failures and use that experience to improve for the next time.

They also like to seek out new experiences, and observe everything around them; be it people, places, nature, wildlife… etc. Most importantly, they follow their passions and they aren’t afraid to take risks to do so.


  1.  Truthful

Truthful and honest people are hard to come by these days. There are so many lies, fake rumours and backstabbers going around, which have made it hard for people to trust anyone.

Aquarius’ are naturally truthful and honest, which is quite possibly one of the best qualities they possess. If I asked you the type of people you would want to be around, or in a relationship with, you would probably say ‘honest’.


  1.  Curious

Here’s a few things you should know about curious people. They ask a lot of questions, they’re able to listen without judgement, and they’re also big fans of surprise.

If you’re looking for these qualities in other people, then those with the Aquarius zodiac sign would be a good place to start.

Curious people are also willing to be wrong, and don’t let bad past experiences and feelings stop them from living their life.


  1.  Quick Learners

If you’re looking to employ someone who’s a fast learner, with the ability to pick up a lot of knowledge in a short period of time, Aquarius share that trait.

They are always trying to improve their knowledge of the world, and find joy from doing so. This is a brilliant trait to have in your career, as you’ll constantly be boosting your growth and looking to improve.


  1.  Innovative

Another excellent trait to have career-wise is to be innovative. Those who are innovative don’t always accept the way of doing things that’s given to them. They constantly challenge the normal way of thinking, and look for better, faster and more logical ways to do things.

Some people might not like that, but this is how so many of the world’s greatest creations have come into existence. Through innovation, and through people questioning the normal way of doing something.


  1.  Open-Minded

Aquarius are well known for being open-minded, and being able to make up their own mind about things. This, without being swayed by what others may tell them.

Open-mindedness is an important quality for success, as it allows people to follow what they believe, which isn’t always easy when you have other people in your ear. It also improves your learning abilities, because you don’t dismiss new knowledge when it’s presented to you.


  1.  Independent

One of the major characteristics that Aquarius share is that of independence. We tend to be very self-reliant, and that means not wanting to accept handouts, or rely on others for our happiness.

The only downside of this common trait, is that they can have a hard time asking people for help, even at times when they need it the most. Bear that in mind if you’re currently dating an Aquarius.


  1.  Embrace Change

Change is a great thing. A lot of people in life hate change; however, this is mainly due to the fact they’re lazy and unmotivated, and only change when they must. If someone is constantly changing, and has a great approach to change, they’re always growing and developing themselves.

Individuals who embrace change are the individuals who become successful in life; because they are obsessed with improvement.


  1.  Great Listeners

This one might be a winner for the ladies. If you’re after a great listener; someone who won’t constantly interrupt to talk about themselves, and will listen to you without judgement, now you know where to look.

It’s also said that when their friends are upset, not only are they able to listen well, but also give brilliant and helpful advice or support.

  1.  Dreams BIG

Dreaming big is a common personality trait among those with an Aquarius zodiac sign. I mean, who wouldn’t want to dream big? They have powerful visions for their life and where they see themselves in the years to come.

You have to love people who aren’t afraid to dream big, and go after those dreams with all out force and sheer determination.



Here’s a quick recap on the 10 positive and common Aquarius personality traits:

  1. Affectionate
  2. Imaginative
  3. Truthful
  4. Curious
  5. Quick Learners
  6. Innovative
  7. Independent
  8. Open-Minded
  9. Independent
  10. Embrace Change
  11. Great Listeners

People with the Aquarius star sign are born between January 20 to February 18, is a popular sign in the Zodiac. Each zodiac sign has a different set of traits and qualities attached to it. Many of those traits may be seen as negative, but many are also incredibly positive. 10 Common Aquarius Personality Traits…

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